First, 5th graders looked at the artwork of MC Escher. We focused on interpreting his artwork and admired his skillful use of shadows to create 3D effects. We also checked out some of his artwork with stairs. He has a lot of art with staircases but "Relativity" is a favorite!

Next we practiced drawing stairs in 3D. We used rectangles, parallelograms and trapezoids and then added shadows keeping in mind the light source!
After looking at Salvador Dali's surrealistic art, we read the book "Dali and the Path of Dreams," to get a better understanding of surrealism. Students were asked to combine Salvador Dali's surrealism with MC Escher's stairs and create their own surrealistic work of art!
Goals: I can...
- Tell about MC Escher
- Tell about Dali
- Create a variety of 3D stairs
- Use surrealism
- Blend colors
- Use watercolor pencils
This is a terrific blog. I teach art in a maximum security prison - my students aren't children but there are some fantastic ideas here. Thankyou.